Darren (5YO) has prepared his first GM session, using the Hero Kids system plus some Super Kids expansion content. (We wrote some notes about the encounters, which he is adorably calling the “assignment sheet.”) Garrett (10YO) and I played kid super heroes with Darren as GM. It was a blast!
This coloring page from Cindy Hopper is a fun way to reflect on last year, even as a grownup.
This article has some good food for thought and reflections on games and gave development. Everyone who makes games should spend some time thinking about how they personally respond to the opening paragraph:
“The work of video game developers distracts the world from problems which desperately need solutions. The culture this feeds is fundamentally depraved, the financial outcomes are random and, ultimately, nothing of worth is produced.”
Do you make games? How do you respond?
My wife and I finished T.I.M.E Stories: Lumen Fidei over the weekend. We really enjoyed this scenario. (It was our favorite since the first two.)
I finished listening to Orbital Decay this weekend, an RPG podcast series from Gamers With Jobs. I really enioyed it!
My 10YO ran another Hero Kids adventure for me and his brother (5YO) last night: “The Wizard’s Tower.” (We were all a little off our game, still trying to figure out how best to do this. It was pretty rough, but we’re all 3 glad we’re trying it!)
I played a lot of NBA Jam at the arcade as a teenager. It was fun to read some of its history.
Wise words, as always, from : “Play your collection deeply. Prioritize the great games. It’s truly rewarding.”
I’m taking an online web security training course for work. I think the trainer didn’t quite understand just how bad a SQL Injection could be.